Enter Code SAVINGS for 15% off any service over $250 (excludes Notary Services)
Enter Code SAVINGS for 15% off any service over $250 (excludes Notary Services)
Mobile Notary Services
Call & Text for appointment time at
(214) 444-5679
Mobile Notary Travel Service Fee $ 25
Traveling fee within 25 miles
After 25 miles $ .79 per mile
Acknowledgement or Proofs (Same Signature)
1st signature $ 10
2nd signature $ 1
Administering an oath or affirmation $ 10
Swearing a witness for a deposition $ 10
Taking the deposition of a witness $ 1
for each 100 words
Certifying a non-recordable photocopy $ 6
Providing an uncertified copy of an entry
from a notary's record book $ 1 per page
Certifying a copy of an entry from a
notary's record book $ 6 per page
Protesting a bill for non-acceptance or
non-payment register and seal $ 4
Each notice of protest $ 1
Protesting in all cases $ 4
Certificate and seal to such protest $ 4